Bhavya Narain Gupta


About me

I am passionate about motion planning and making robots move. I am currently working as a Senior Software Engineer in the mission planning team at Outrider. In the past I have worked on motion planning for self driving cars at Motional and for indoor cleaning robots at Maidbot.

Recent Posts

Setting up Postgres


In this post I am going to document the process of setting up a postgresql database on my machine to use in the expense tracking app. Here I am mainly ... Read More

Expense Tracker App Part-4


Following up to the previous post, today I am going to re-attempt to setup the graphQL server in JS. Last time I was stuck at framework / library ... Read More

Expense Tracker App Part-3


So today the goal is to explore some backend aspects: I want to explore how the data read from the front end can be sent to the transaction database. ... Read More

Expense Tracker App Part-2


So in this post I am going to build the basic HTML / CSS layout for the expense tracker. I have used these languages in the past, so I am not an ... Read More